Thursday, April 14, 2011

Discovery Park Conservatory, March 2011

I love spending time at The Conservatory at Discovery Park. It is Spring there, regardless of the season. When I feel down from persistently grey Seattle skies, this is one beautiful place to experience color, texture, the infinite variety with which life expresses its creativity.....

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
I love Hydrangeas. Such a delicate riot of color...

The delicate gradation from light blue-green, to blue to purple gives these leaf-petals an iridescent air. Irresistible! Invites you to move in closer and closer...
Octopus or Cactus? This one made me smile. Isn't it interesting to see the same design in a plant that flourishes in an arid environment, while the octopus is a water-dweller? Opposite but strikingly similar...

This pattern of leaves within leaves enchanted me. So beautiful. Nature's design schemes are bold, delicate, endlessly creative and innovative...

This reminds me of the scarification patterns that some tribal people of Africa adorn their faces and bodies with. I wonder if the original inspiration for their practice came from the plant life native to their environment, or perhaps a people who live close to the earth are simply more attuned to its patterns...

Leaf that unfurls from its center. Living from my own center has become an active goal, so this has particular meaning for me...

Look closely at the patterns on each leaf. They resemble patterns of chromosomes, or alternatively, ink doodles...

Ending with yet another color variation of Hydrangea. Happy Spring!

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