Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Documentary Videos via You Tube

I am so thrilled that the 2 documentary films I created in 2006, BellyDance: An Inside View, and Mish Mish,  are now live on the web, via You Tube! Links are below, along with images from the videos.

The first video,  BellyDance: An Inside View  is the first film I ever made or edited. I created this project while I was a student at Shoreline Community College, studying Video Field Production and Film Editing, in 2006. It is my love letter to the world of bellydance and the profoundly positive effect it had on my life, as a student, a performer, and a great lover of the art form itself. Many performers and students signed releases and allowed me to film them in class, at home, and during their performances, for the sake of this project. I am deeply grateful for their generosity. 

BellyDance: An Inside View ©2006 Linda Gayle Parker 

 Scenes from the video:
Troupe Zamani, as seen in the video, BellyDance: An Inside View

The first time I ever perfomed in public, as discussed in BellyDance: An Inside View

Elizabeth Dennis discusses how dance helped her body to heal from cancer, from BellyDance: An Inside View

Camaraderie and meaningful friendships often blossom in the world of bellydance, from BellyDance: An Inside View

The second video Mish Mish  was lovingly created as a tribute to my first bellydance teacher, Mish Mish, who is  a legendary performer and teacher in Seattle. She generously gave me her time, access to her home and her classes, and allowed me to film one of her live performances. I also thank her students who unanimously signed releases and allowed me to film them during classes with Mish Mish.

Mish Mish ©2006 Linda Gayle Parker

 Scenes from the video:
Mish Mish performing, in the video, Mish Mish

Detail of one of Mish Mish's self-designed and handmade costumes, from the video, Mish Mish

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Taking a walk in the Washington Park Arboretum always reminds me of the incredibly intricate traceries, interconnectedness, and infinite creativity of Life. From a seed, a spark of energy, all of this is possible. It always gives me hope for the future. New patterns, new directions emerge all of the time. Toward light, toward nourishment, Life thrives...

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
This is typical of the intricate beauty of a walk in The Arboretum...

A bridge near the entrance to the Azalea Way path. I love the old fashioned street lights and the moss...

Quiet path leading into the deep green...

Blossoms, blossoms, everywhere...

These leaves were so bright in the sunshine. After enduring a long, grey winter, this felt like color-therapy, a total rush...

Tulip Tree with lovely pink blossoms...

Blossom from a Tulip Tree. These are a particular favorite of mine...

A wonderful little meadow off the side of the path and down an embankment...

This reminded me of the lines of a musical score, with blossoms instead of notes...

Closeup of blossoms from the same tree...

I love finding these fertility shapes and symbols in Nature. They are everywhere. Gaia's Vulva.

New green, new blossoming, new traceries, new Life.