I love spending time at The Conservatory at Discovery Park. It is Spring there, regardless of the season. When I feel down from persistently grey Seattle skies, this is one beautiful place to experience color, texture, the infinite variety with which life expresses its creativity.....
All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
I love Hydrangeas. Such a delicate riot of color... |
The delicate gradation from light blue-green, to blue to purple gives these leaf-petals an iridescent air. Irresistible! Invites you to move in closer and closer... |
Octopus or Cactus? This one made me smile. Isn't it interesting to see the same design in a plant that flourishes in an arid environment, while the octopus is a water-dweller? Opposite but strikingly similar... |
This pattern of leaves within leaves enchanted me. So beautiful. Nature's design schemes are bold, delicate, endlessly creative and innovative... |
This reminds me of the scarification patterns that some tribal people of Africa adorn their faces and bodies with. I wonder if the original inspiration for their practice came from the plant life native to their environment, or perhaps a people who live close to the earth are simply more attuned to its patterns... |
Leaf that unfurls from its center. Living from my own center has become an active goal, so this has particular meaning for me... |
Look closely at the patterns on each leaf. They resemble patterns of chromosomes, or alternatively, ink doodles... |
Ending with yet another color variation of Hydrangea. Happy Spring! |
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