Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spindrift Juried Show, SCC: My Photographic Submissions

Silver Ball
 © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

Young Girl Dreaming
 © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

 © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

Red Silk
© 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
Wild Hearth
© 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

My Meditation for Today

© 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

My meditation for today: 
When I am intimidated by something I don't know about but wish I did, or someone who seems very successful or savvy with regard to something I wish I knew or was involved in, I  concentrate on it being an opportunity to ask lots of questions and to learn. 

It is as if that intimidation, that anxiety, that despairing wish, is my cue NOT give in to feeling insecure, or inexperienced, but to open my mouth and start asking. The emotional reaction is the pointer. It means, "Here is something that needs to be acknowledged and addressed." I have gotten so much valuable information and insight that way! The heavy shrinking feeling is replaced with a feeling of expansion. 

The heart knows what it is doing! To actively concentrate on opening up, when one feels intimidated, and expanding instead of shrinking, that's an important key.

The challenge is: 
See what you can do if you stay true to your own heart's desire and don't shrink backward in fear or doubt. Instead, throw your arms open wide and surrender. Welcome meaningful, positive change into your life, ask for loving guidance, and keep moving forward.

Have Faith in the radiance of your true, realized self. Have Faith in the uniqueness of your own path. Your uniqueness as an individual equals your Gifts.

I have begun to experience the rewards of this in my life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day and Night Petals

Every year, I look forward to this beautiful tree in my neighborhood coming into bloom. It forms a roof of fragrant, white petals overhead, that is a delight to walk under. At night, clear Christmas lights  flicker on, and the effect of the tiny lights amidst the sea of white petals is absolutely magical. I have photographed this year after year and never get tired of it.

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved.
First Evening, there was a breeze, so it was very difficult to get a half-second exposure that did not contain blur...

The camera was on a tripod, the flowers own movement provided the lovely soft-focus effect...
The next morning, I decided to photograph these by sunshine...
I am so glad to see the beauty of Spring!...
The interior petals look like chiffon...

This is what I love to walk under. It is so beautiful against blue sky and sunshine...
Second evening, the air was more calm. I began shooting at twilight and then came back and took more shots later, in full nighttime...

Another twilight shot...
Full nighttime...
About 10pm, beautiful, ethereal, quiet.

As another treat, I walked up our alley with a few friends and recorded a pond full of frogs singing. I love to hear them. They always begin about twilight and generally sing until around midnight. You cannot see them on this video, but you should be able to hear their chorus loud and clear, if you care to turn up the volume. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Discovery Park Conservatory, March 2011

I love spending time at The Conservatory at Discovery Park. It is Spring there, regardless of the season. When I feel down from persistently grey Seattle skies, this is one beautiful place to experience color, texture, the infinite variety with which life expresses its creativity.....

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
I love Hydrangeas. Such a delicate riot of color...

The delicate gradation from light blue-green, to blue to purple gives these leaf-petals an iridescent air. Irresistible! Invites you to move in closer and closer...
Octopus or Cactus? This one made me smile. Isn't it interesting to see the same design in a plant that flourishes in an arid environment, while the octopus is a water-dweller? Opposite but strikingly similar...

This pattern of leaves within leaves enchanted me. So beautiful. Nature's design schemes are bold, delicate, endlessly creative and innovative...

This reminds me of the scarification patterns that some tribal people of Africa adorn their faces and bodies with. I wonder if the original inspiration for their practice came from the plant life native to their environment, or perhaps a people who live close to the earth are simply more attuned to its patterns...

Leaf that unfurls from its center. Living from my own center has become an active goal, so this has particular meaning for me...

Look closely at the patterns on each leaf. They resemble patterns of chromosomes, or alternatively, ink doodles...

Ending with yet another color variation of Hydrangea. Happy Spring!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Afternoon Light: Lakeview Cemetery, Jan 2011

© 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

I have always loved old stone and statuary, so I am very much drawn to the beautiful statues and peaceful atmosphere in cemeteries, and love to explore and photograph these. Lakeview Cemetery, on Capitol Hill, is the oldest known cemetery in Seattle. It was established in 1872,  and many of our city's founding fathers and mothers are buried there, along with their children.

One often does see graves of very young children from that early time period in this cemetery, and it always gives me a pang to view these. I feel this most deeply when I see flowers or brightly colored pinwheels at the graves of the more recently deceased. I feel lonely for these children of an earlier time, who do not have anyone who remembers them. I have been moved to leave candy, and quarters for candy or bubble gum, on some of these children's grave markers or at the feet of the statues that watch over their graves. I shouldn't be surprised if I am followed home sometime, by one of these children's ghosts.

There are beautiful views to the east and west from this cemetery. I have heard it said, that the dead always have the best view. This is probably because so many cemeteries do seem to be situated on top of a hill. If you stand in the right spot, you have a perfect view of the Space Needle, to the west, framed by surrounding Evergreen trees. The view to the east offers a vista over Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountains.

I have photographed this cemetery on different occasions, at different times of day. The atmosphere is always peaceful and alluring, while the statues and grave markers take on new and subtle characteristics in the changing light. Sometimes, the lettering on the graves seems mostly faded, by time, and it is very difficult, if not impossible to read them. Then, one returns on another day, at another time, and magically finds that one is able to read the names and dates, on the same graves, without effort, as if it were intended.

On the day when I took the photographs shown here, it was in the late afternoon, in January.

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved
View to Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountain Range...
This statue is near the cemetery entrance, and always seems a figure of welcome and reflection...

Time and weathering do their work...

This statue stands over the grave of a nine year old girl from late 1800's - early 1900's.

She is so lovely. I never get tired of looking at her from this angle...

Another peaceful look at this well-weathered statue...

This statue stands over the grave of a four year old girl from the same time period, late 1800's to early 1900's. She, in particular, has captured my heart. I would like, perhaps this summer, to see if I can get permission from the cemetery to clean up this statue. It bothers me that she is so disfigured by the amount of mold, moss, etc, which has built up...

I call this statue The Smiling Lady. She has something of a Mona Lisa smile...

Curling, curving, unpredictable life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gasworks Park, New Year's Day 2011

All Photos © 2011 Linda Gayle Parker, All Rights Reserved

Waiting For Mom

Since my dad no longer has a driver's license (he is 81) and my mom never learned to drive, (she is 76) I am the official taxi when my mom needs to do errands. My mom is an infamous errand-runner. She often gets me in the car by saying she needs to go to a store. Then when she is safely belted into place, and it is established that I am, indeed, in the car and driving us down a street at least a few blocks from home, she announces that there are also three other places she needs to go. Neeeeeeeds to. She is expert-sneaky.  She also often wants me to take her to Safeway, Fred Meyer, etc, etc, etc, after I get home from work; right when I am tired, cranky, and hungry. Now, I am not one to dwell in the grocery store. I get whatever I need to buy, and exit quickly. My mom does not do anything quickly. Does not care about doing anything quickly. Quickly, is not in her vocabulary. Quickly does not exist. Did I mention that I dearly love my mom? I do. Which is why she talks me into these things.

My mom is a bit shaky, and a diabetic.  She loves to shop. Any kind of shopping. Anywhere. Anytime. Any reason. This is, for the most part, her exercise, and it is important that she gets it. She does not want help, or to be hurried, or hovered over. She goes over every shelf with a fine tooth comb. Very fine. Minuscule. She moves very slowly, so it takes her a long time to shop. Usually a few hours at a time. Cars come and go in the parking lot. I am still sitting there. The sun sets, the moon rises, the moon sets. I am still sitting there. People get married and divorced. I am still sitting there. Poor Mom. Poor me.

I always have my camera with me, wherever I go. But, most of the time, parking lots are not picturesque places. Things happen in them that I do not want to photograph. Arguments break out occasionally. Arguing people do not want to be photographed. I do not want to be part of their argument. I just watch. I wait. It's what I do. I am a pro.

People wander back and forth, in parking lots, in the most mundane ways. Alone. In two's or three's. Shoulders hunched. Plodding. Shoulders back. Strutting. Hurrying. Sauntering. So on. This does not inspire me. I would like to see someone gavotte or tango across the parking lot, for a change. Do the funky chicken. Cha Cha.

One late afternoon,  I did take out my camera, and I started taking pictures. I was (you guessed it) waiting in the car for Mom, at Safeway, this time. There was a big window directly in front of me, covered with a translucent shade. Inside of the building, there was another window directly across from that one, also covered with a shade, with the sun shining through it. There was a crazy combination of reflections, shadows, bright light and a see-through view. I was dizzy. I was inspired. Here are the photos:

Me doing what I do a lot of, waiting for mom.

Another evening, I decided to play with taking self-portraits of myself waiting, while I was waiting. Very droll. I was bored, trying to entertain myself. I can easily see how tired I was, and yes, cranky too, in the following photos. But, I have had valuable alone time, waiting for Mom, as well. I can meditate, reflect, plan, read, write, run over things in my mind out loud. People probably wonder, who is the crazy woman sitting in that little red car talking to herself? Why is she crying? Why is she laughing? Why is she yelling? Better not get too close.

I am not sure why I am documenting this. Perhaps, in the future I will look back on this time, spent waiting for my mom, and see greater value in it than I recognize right now. Maybe there is beauty in sitting under streetlights, in a parking lot, in a car, talking to yourself.